
Friday, 18 May 2012

I'm still feel sleepy eventhough just woke up from slept. Happily,headache and shoulder pain hv gone. ^.^ I have busy from morning until evening today even there was a rest btw 12pm-3pm...i just kept on with my "work"(inside and outside). Finally have done my paperwork and the presentation slide for entrepreneur's project. However, still hv eng assignment and coco assignment to finish. Argh........what the hell !

My heart is broken whenever i see my left arm and left shoulder. It becomes sensitivity( a few rashes can always been seen even sometimes it looks like an insect bite ) after having my first injection of cervical vaccination. I tot i was recovered already but today......suddenly got 6 rashes were found at my left upper limb again !! T.T What to do????  Haiz...will only seek for doctor during my coming holidays. Yahoo.....!!!! I miss my home..miss my dad,my mum ,my sis and my bros. Second injection is coming,i wonder i should cont it or seems like wasting if i dint cont it coz i hv paid RM145 for the first injection.But,i'm afraid of its side effects again.

Tot will cook movies rice today but now it is already 11:15pm. I should go to sleep afterwards coz tomorrow hv to wake up early than usual. heheee...gud 9 all ......

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